My New Book is Almost Ready for Release. Sharing Some Updates and a Special Sneak Peek of an Excerpt.

Your mind, when you trust it, is your friend that reassures you, comforts you, and gives you confidence.

Mental power is I Can Do It power.

It is the result of being consistently clear, aware, and focused. This is the Magic Formula.

It’s your mind that tells you repeatedly, you have what it takes, the strength, the ability, and the steadiness to believe that you can make it happen.

You cannot be mentally together when you are being distracted when you are not absolutely sure of what you want or the choices you have made.

Mental strength is the willingness to take risks with a sense of humor, knowing that no outcome will mean the end of the world for you.

Mental confidence is constantly moving forward in the direction of your goals.

Mental confidence is a build-up of successes, and It says, Yes, I Can Do It and I Am Doing It.

When you are self-confident, you are not afraid of standing alone.

You are not concerned with what people might think or say about you.

Emotional strength gives you the toughness to move forward despite setbacks and negative feedback, regardless of your fears, because you believe in your purpose.

Your enemies are the weak parts of yourself.

They are negative beliefs, destructive emotions, false fears, laziness, and a resistance to stretching beyond mediocrity.

Your enemies make you feel and believe you are inferior, worthless, and a failure.

Blaming your past, blaming your family history, blaming society, and blaming the world will never solve your problems. All it gives you is more suffering.

Your enemy within compares your mind and your abilities to those who you think are superior to yourself.

This creeping disease will invade every corner of your mind. It will deprive you of the mental power to believe absolutely that you are capable of realizing your goal.

Women are challenged more than men to believe they can’t do it.

Women are told they can’t make rational decisions, can’t make enough money, can’t be independent or empower themselves.

I Can Do It becomes stronger with each challenge as you overcome your fears and resistance when you discover who your enemies are and when you are willing to make a change.

Taking charge of your life requires knowing what you want and doing it.

This will erase all the I Can’t Do It thoughts.

When you overcome these challenges, you make it easier for women, individually and collectively, to believe that they too can make a significant difference.

Critical self-judgment is more damaging to you than the critical judgments of others. Having confidence in yourself and giving yourself credit, whether you succeed or fail, is the essence of I Can Do It.

I Can Do It gives you validation that comes from your inner resources.

Repeat over and over, I Can Do It. I Am Doing It.

Use this affirmation like a powerful engine to keep you moving forward on track.

Doing It is mindfulness of your life purpose. Doing It is empowerment. Doing It is being in touch with what makes you real.

Doing It is taking charge of your life in a way that gives you credit for what you know, for what you have done, and for what you are doing.

Doing It is taking full responsibility for your decisions. They are your choices and what you ask of yourself throughout your life’s journey.

Doing It is being able to face yourself honestly with love and appreciation because you have nothing to hide.

Doing It is facing the relentless disease of self-doubt. Self-criticism is eager to invade your mind by ‘Wearing’ you down and draining you of emotional energy.

Self-doubt convinces you that you are a failure, that you don’t have answers that you need someone else to do the thinking and deciding for you.

Self-doubt wants you to believe that you have never been a real success and that your future is doomed.

Self-doubt is ultimately believing that nothing you do will make a difference, so why try?

Self-doubt is darkness, humorlessness, and hopelessness. Self-doubt isn’t satisfied until it succeeds in destroying your self-esteem and all that you have worked for.

You cannot afford to let self-doubt take hold of your mind. Ever.

You cannot afford to associate yourself with those who encourage and create self-doubt.

Failure is only a temporary shift in direction. Failure is the honest assurance that you are a success for trying and for taking chances.

As you learn through your day-to-day experience, your failures turn into success.

The more you learn, the more you can Do It.

I Can Do It is the training of champions, the training of your mind, heart, body, and spirit. It is the power, passion, and essence of your self-worth.

I Can Do It never gives up. It is a dynamic human and divine force.


I Am Doing It each day with confidence, strength, gratitude, and optimism.”

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